Dry Flowers from the Cerrado | Milton Hatoum | Granta Magazine

Dry Flowers from the Cerrado

Milton Hatoum

Translated by Ángel Gurria

‘People say that Brasilia’s new national library opened before it had any books. Is that a metaphor for many politicians’ minds? Or for these times we’re in?’

Milton Hatoum

Born in Manaus in 1952, Milton Hatoum studied architecture. He taught Brazilian literature at the University of Amazonas and at the University of California, Berkeley, before publishing his first novel, Tale of a Certain Orient (1989); it was awarded the Jabuti Prize for the best novel of the year. The Brothers (2000) also won the Jabuti and has been translated into eight languages. With Ashes of the Amazon (2005), Hatoum again won the Jabuti, and the Bravo!, APCA and Portugal Telecom Prizes. In 2008, he published his first novella, Orphans of Eldorado. The Island City is his first collection of stories.

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Translated by Ángel Gurria

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