Rodrigo Hasbún on Antônio Xerxenesky | Granta Magazine

Rodrigo Hasbún on Antônio Xerxenesky

Antônio Xerxenesky & Rodrigo Hasbún

Translated by Alfred Mac Adam

‘Seven pages are also enough, the seven that make up this story, to discover Xerxenesky’s extraordinary talent.’

Antônio Xerxenesky

Antônio Xerxenesky was born in Porto Alegre. His first novel, Areia nos dentes, was published in 2008 and his collection of short stories, A página assombrada por fantasmas, in 2011. Xerxenesky has collaborated with several newspapers, magazines and websites, including Estado de S. Paulo, Suplemento de Pernambuco and Blog do IMS. In 2007, his short story ‘O desvio’ was adapted for television by the screenwriter Fernando Mantelli. English translations of his work can be found at and the online edition of Two Lines magazine. ‘Tomorrow, upon Awakening’ (‘Amanha, quando acordar’) is taken from his story collection.

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Rodrigo Hasbún

Born in Cochabmaba, Hasbún has published the book of short stories Cinco (2006) and the novel El lugar del cuerpo (2007). Awarded the Latin Union Prize for the Most Original Spanish American Short Fiction, he was part of the issue that Zoetrope: All-Story dedicated to emerging Latin American fiction. His writing has been included in various anthologies and two of this stories have been made into films, for which he also co-wrote the screenplays. He lives in Ithaca, New York. In 2011, Duomo Ediciones will publish Los dias más felices, his second collection of short stories.

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Translated by Alfred Mac Adam

Alfred Mac Adam is a professor of Latin American Literature at Barnard College, Columbia University. He has translated works by Alejo Carpentier, Julio Cortázar, José Donoso, Juan Carlos Onetti, Fernando Pessoa, Osvaldo Soriano and Mario Vargas Llosa, and most recently Season of Ash by Jorge Volpi.

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